Thursday, June 15, 2006

The BigMouthAudio Spec Miata is on track!

This Fathers' Day weekend, while you're roastin' a weenie for Dad, the BigMouthAudio race team is headed to Virginia International Raceway. BMA's Creative Director, John Hammer, has been racing cars long enough that he's been invited to instruct at a high performance drivers education event at VIR. "It's an honor, really...that they'll trust me with their novice students racing around a track as fast as they dare to go!" "Honestly, it's something everyone who drives a car should do, even if only once" says Hammer. "Traditional drivers education shows you how to start & stop the, we teach you how to DRIVE!"

For details on this event and others like it, just click the title of this post for a link to MazdaDrivers, the group behind this driving school.


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