Monday, December 11, 2006

Sometimes it IS enough to just get your name out..., there I was the other day, thinking "Gee, that doesn't feel quite right." My chest was a bit tight and my heart was fluttering. I'm not done with testing yet, but I was having Premature Ventricular Contractions. I'll know more after the Nuclear Stress Test they're putting me on in 2 weeks.

In a way, simply being alive is a form of marketing yourself (just as a long established business is more well known than a startup). I have a son about to be born (less than 8 weeks away!) and I want him to know me. Not what someone tells him about me, but actually get to know ME. That probably means I need to lose weight, eat better, exercise more and do more things I'm proud of. You know, in a way, that IS like marketing your business; you can stretch the truth all you like, but in the end, the important stuff shines through.

So, take care of your family and your body; I'll help you grow the business, but that's really not the most important part of any of our days!


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