Monday, August 20, 2007

Will BOGO stick?

Have you seen this one...?


Several retailers have used this term over the last few years. BOGO: Buy One, Get One. Now, for a zillion years, that simple phrase was followed by the word "free." These days, not so much.

Back to school is a huge time of the year for retailers and the big chains are trying to lure your dollars from your billfold...using things like "BOGO"...however...and you knew I was going to hit'm here... They're not saying "free" at the end.

Rather, it's "Buy one, get one half off." it's not half off, it's 25% off.

This is where I go back to the rant I've ranted for years: don't insult our intelligence, just tell us your offer. 25% is a pretty good savings (assuming you're not jacking up the original price...but that's another blog).

We're a jaded consumer base these days... Instead of giving us reason to toss you out the window, say something important!


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