The Power of "No"

I talk about strategy as the key to great marketing. You must have a concrete goal, then work towards it.
However, there is something else you can do to make your business more viable...
Ready for this?
Learn to say "No."
As a business owner, you're constantly bombarded with offers. Advertising reps. Kids selling yearbook space. Local guys who want you to sponsor their racecar. The fella selling pens with your street address on them.
ALL of that stuff has its place. However, its up to you to determine when and where. Which means there are times when you must say "No."
Its hard to do that. Kicking a Girl Scout out of your building weighs heavily on my childhood Catholic Guilt. I'm not very good at it myself, but it has to be done IF the offer doesn't fit your strategy.
The Power of No. Sometimes that one small word is the way you SaySomethingImportant.
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