You've gotta SAY it well!

Listening to the radio today here in Charlotte, NC I heard a commercial for a sale featuring lots of big name stuff, including Dolce & Gabbana. Problem is, the announcer pronounced the word Dolce as "Dole ss" Forgive my lack of actual phonetics. Dols. Perhaps that is closer. The word is actually pronounced "Dol-chay"... I mean, even I know that and I'm hardly a fashionista.
There is a BMW dealership here in town that has the same problem; their sales manager is the voice "talent" in their advertising...but he can't pronounce "BMW." He says "Bee Imm Dubya." Holy cow; these are cars worth more than the average person earns in a year...and you sound like an illiterate dolt. How can you possibly expect me to trust you when you can't even speak clearly?
Here's today's lesson: People won't give you money for a product that you can't pronounce. You are judged not only on what you say, but HOW you say it. Its up to you to get it right.
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