Sunday, September 23, 2007

Long Live the "Little Guy!"

I'm a big fan of Roy Williams' teachings & marketing philosophy.

Recently, he turned me on to the new book by Lee Iacocca, "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?"

In it, Mr. Iacocca says “When you stop to think about it, most of the great companies of our times began as upstarts – Little Davids taking on big Goliaths. When I first heard about Fred Smith, the guy who created Federal Express, I thought the idea was crazy. I remember thinking, He’s going to take on the post office? Today Federal Express does such a huge business that even the U.S. Postal Service hires it to move a billion dollars in packages every year.”

Dream BIG, my friends, dream BIG...and don't forget to have a strategy. If you need a hand with either, let me know. I'm here to lend a hand!


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