now the ones: car dealers who tell us they "HAVE to sell 100 cars this month, OR ELSE!" Or else...you'll have to have ANOTHER sale next month, I know.
The start of a new year brings way too many "resolution" cliches...but I AM going to challenge you to open your minds in 2011. To kickstart your bean, I'm offering my list of Most Insulting Advertising 2010! Are you using any of these? Perhaps it's time for a change.
- Direct Buy. Their TV ad has a clock counting down, as if my time is running out & I'd better get to the phone to buy NOW! Really? Never.
- That's Cricket, That's Respect. This one is right out of a corporate focus group: can you see a room full of suits asking "regular people" what they want most?! My dad taught me decades ago that I EARN respect. No corporation gives the little guy "respect"...they see you as a chance to make money. Don't fall for it!
- "Last names starting in A-M call today starting at 10am, last names starting N through Z can call tomorrow." This one is also for real, a radio ad that's run in multiple markets.
- But wait, there's more... Order now & get a second widget for FREE (just pay separate shipping & handling fee). Sooooo, it's NOT free afterall? Nice bait & switch.
- Negative political campaigns. It was another election year in 2010 & whether you're a Left Wing Radical, a Right Wing Zealot or a Self Proclaimed Moderate, you have to agree that things are out of control.
- Weight Loss Schemes! Pills, tablets, devices, clubs, etc. There are some great, encouraging advertisers in this market...unfortunately, most of them still get it wrong by playing on people's fears. As a buddy's twitter name says clearly, there's "NoMagicPill".
There are SO many more for sure & I'll be watching this year to see who does what well. You can too; see something that drive you nuts? Send it to me! LousyAds@SaySomethingImportant.com is just for you!
And when it comes to your time to advertise your business, remember to do it intelligently and...Say Something IMPORTANT!