Thursday, October 13, 2005

Friends in the Biz...

In addition to writing & producing radio commercials, I've spent much of my life "playing with cars." Through the car hobby, I've met some of the most interesting people and fascinating friends. Just today, I found a new character who shares my passion for cars and great broadcasting. If you get a moment, take a look at Michael's work:

You never know where influences will come from, but keep an eye out...they add up to make us all more interesting.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"Cheesy" radio advertising

Went to the Wisconsin Dells for the Midwest Family Broadcasting annual sales conference. I gave a seminar titled "Copywriting 101" that was attended by nearly 3 dozen first year sales reps. It was a lot of fun! I threw out my ideas, but the best part was when we opened a discussion on how to deal with certain situations, client requests and the like. I got as much out of it as the students did.

One thing: pick up a copy of George Carlin's "Advertising Lullaby" and prepare to laugh your ass off. It's so funny because it's so true!
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