Saturday, July 28, 2007

What did you say? Nope, you don't get my money!

Today I'd like to AXE you a question.

Name this car:

That's right, it's a Ford Escape. So, why is it that on a TV commercial for a local Ford dealership, the announcer pronounces it "EXscape"??? Not just once, but at least twice (I'll pay more attention next time it's on).

Is the dealer a bad businessman? I don't know. How about the producer of the spot? Or the salesperson who sold it to the dealership. Every one of these folks is guilty of letting this get on the air. And now, I (the jaded consumer) see this commercial.

And I'm insulted by their lack of basic grammar.

And I ASSUME that if they don't care enough about that, then I wouldn't buy from them.

I PROMISE you, I'm not the only person with thoughts like this. Simple mistakes like that reflect on your business and people's perception of you.

Need a hand to make sure your marketing is Saying Something Important? It's time to give us a call!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yes...but I've got to do it CHEAPLY!

I had lunch with a friend today who's been given the task of marketing a new division within the parent company. They have a great product, there's even a well known spokesperson... What they don't have is much budget.

This is where you need to get creative.

While the product was developed within a structured system (which the company is very comfortable with), a value-budget marketing plan requires some real thought...and the ability to see past your comfort zone.

Imagine the first guy to say "Hey, what if we found a way to drag a sign behind an airplane!" That must have sounded crazy. Or "Hey, Tide Laundry Soap...yeah, let's put it on the side of a racecar" way before NASCAR was a household name. The ideas were novel for their time and my friend has a similar situation. He must come up with something (and I HATE the cliche) "out of the box." We're hoping to have more brainstorming sessions in the near future.

A word of advice to you; don't fear the creative. Give the most ludicrous concept a few moments to roll around in your head. Imagine. Contemplate. Start with a clean sheet & see where it takes you.

Of course, don't lose focus... Have a PLAN, a GOAL and keep everything aiming towards it. I challenge my friend...and all of do more than "get your name out there"...rather, I challenge you to get into your prospective customers' minds.

"But HOW, Hammer?" Easy, my friend; you simply "Say Something Important.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The value of a brand...

This past year, I began a wonderful association with the Richard Petty Driving Experience. As you may know, I've been racing the Mazda Miata for many years and now I get to take my experience to a professional level with the Petty organization. While RPDE is just one part of what "The King" is involved in, EVERYTHING he does gives us that much more recognition.

For example; this past weekend at Daytona, Richard Petty drove a "pace car" at the head of the field before the 400. It was a wonderful gesture to celebrate & honor Bill France, Jr (a figurehead of NASCAR) who recently passed away. In addition, it put the Petty name out in the public eye again. I've had more than one person come to me in the last few days & ask if I was there at Daytona with Richard.

It's all linked together in their minds...
Get it?

WHAT is YOUR business linked to in people's minds? What do they run across to make them think of you? Is there ANYTHING? You NEED there to be something. Perhaps we should chat.
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